Friday, October 30, 2009

SAB Halloween Party

Every year, as everyone gets ready for Halloween and gets ready to attend different Halloween parties, Greeks at Adelphi look forward to the Student Activity Board's annual Halloween Party. This annual Halloween Party is always located in the UC Ballroom on the last Thursday before Halloween. This year's party fell on Thursday October 29th.
Every year, Greek Organizations choose a matching costumes that the entire organization wear in hopes of winning best group costume. In the past organizations have dressed like sailors, boxers, superheros, pitcrew workers, S.W.A.T. teams, the Girls Next Door Bunnies, Cops and Robbers, Angels and Demons and Construction workers. With fun and playful costumes, organizations dance, take pictures and have fun with one another.
This year's award went to the New Members of Delta Gamma for their creative rendition of the card people from Alice in Wonderland.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

On Sunday October4th Alpha Epsilon Phi and Phi Sigma Kappa hosted a joint fundraising Softball game. Greek organizations competed against each other in a softball tournament in order to raise money for Breast Cancer research.
On Sunday October 17th, all of Adelphi's Greek organization will be participating in the Jones Beach Walk for Breast Cancer.

Greek Basics

In order to understand Greek life at Adelphi, you will need to know the basics about Greek life.

Adelphi has a large Greek community which is comprised of five sororities; Delta Gamma, Sigma Delta Tau, Delta Delta Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi, and Phi Sigma Sigma. It also includes three fraternities; Kappa Sigma, Phi Sigma Kappa and Zeta Beta Tau.
All chapters must follow the same rules and abide my the guideline set up by Adelphi University in order to be a recognized campus organization.
All organizations are different but are all governed by three different Councils. The Inter Greek Council, Pan-Hellenic Council, and The Inter-fraternity Council.